
The winner is...................

The lovely Gina of 'Fan my Flame' Yahoo the goodies will be winging their way to you soon.

Thank you to all those lovely ladies who have been reading my posts and had a go entering my giveaway. Keep a close eye for further giveaway's.

While I am here just wanted to show you a little peek of some goodies I have made for a potential new venture, fingers crossed. I am taking them to be viewed by a selection panel before they are possibly sold in the secret place.


Last of the summer blooms

Well I thought that my garden had stopped blooming, but here we are mother nature at her best having one last show before autumn.

Quick post I am off now (literally the next 5 mins) for a mini jolly holiday to surprise my nan in celebration of her 80th birthday. Yesterday was a hairy moment as I baked the birthday cake. A posh victoria sandwich which Mr H insists has too much butter cream on. Ah well you can't please everyone.
Have a lovely bank holiday. X


Monday catch up

Hello bloggy friends, I just wanted to show you what I have been up to of late. Last week I finished the first of my knitted purses.
A batch of brooches.
Lots of lavender squares.

I organised myself a little more and received my first batch of moo cards. AMOOZING (amazing).

OOOOOOOOO lovely. If you would like to win the following mini giveaway, then please post here on my 'Bloggiversary' post.

Heart's, tea and cake.
Though please do not eat the cake, better use it in the bath instead!
& some lovely ribbons/lace.

Thanks for calling in. Have a fantstaic week I am off to make the most of my last full week!
Enjoy X


GIVEAWAY/ The Weekend

Hello all, just wanted to remind you of my GIVEAWAY to celebrate the bloggiversary. Pass it on, post a comment on my last post and I will select a lucky winner by the 30th August, just before I go back to school.

This weekend I received my order from Etsy. Mr H collected my package from the porch I was sooooooo excited to find it was my order from Monda. Thank you thank you for the speedy delivery it is beautiful the colours really sing to me.

My choice was this little fella, hmmm red and blue. Hubba hubba.

Remember me salivating over the anthropologie cardigan? Well it was a whopping £98.00 CRIKEY JEEVES I hear you say! I thought I would try and be a bit thrifty and make my own little version.

From this .....

Ta da............................. The last few evenings I have been embroidering my £12.00 cardigan courtesy of New Look and embellishing it with my bargain bucket 20p Anchor tapestry wools.

Buttons were randomnly selected from the button jar.

I can't wait to wear this when I go back to school. Yipee I might even do another colour now too. Just slightly confused about washing as I have used wool for the embroidery on a machine wash cardigan...HMMMM

The garden has just decided to well, bloom. Ages ago when I went to London on a daytrip with my friend I visited......yep you guessed Cath Kidston in Covent Garden. I felt bad for Mr H as I hadn't got him a treat he is not a BIG Cath kidston fan, but he does LOVE his sunflowers and this is the result.

We wanted quite a chilled out day today, it was good up until the point when I cracked the shower tray AGHHHH only by stepping out the shower I just heard it crack I could not believe it. It was sooooooooo frustrating but can't be helped the plastic tray has been in the house since it was built.
Anyway we did go out and followed a walk from Mr H's Staffordshire walking guide. It was the Wombourne Railway walk. We really enjoyed ourselves and stopped at the old station for apple juice, lemonade and lemon drizzle cake. Luckily I calmed down whilst we walked, we went to my moms for Sunday lunch roast chicken YUM.

Mr H pointed out an odd looking tree, I thought it looked bizarre a bit like a giant bonsai.As we got closer he told me it was actually a mobile phone mast. CLEVER!

I hope you had a lovely weekend and an even more exciting week.
No doubt we will be visiting B&Q the bathroom section this week.
Pass on the giveaway info.
Ciao for now. X



Hello fellow bloggers. Today I have hit the second year of blogging milestone. My posts have been few and far between at times but to say a big thank you to all of you that have read my ramblings I would like to send one lucky reader a wee gift. So drop me a line and you could be in with a chance of receiving the contents of my bloggiversary mystery package.


Going round and round and round...

I thought of late ah, I have no projects on the go (such porkies) I will have a little go at creating granny sqauares. Hmmph the instructions I downloaded washed over me and looked a little well mishaped. So I dug out a book that I bought many moons ago, (Another habit of mine buying craft books) and moved on to going round and round and round a bit like Kylie eh?

Saved! {Practise piece}

Hey presto I managed to work on a panel for a little cushion which will hopefully look lovely on the sofa/chairs we have ordered in the Laura Ashley SALE. I picked up the LA catalogue yesterday and the same chairs and sofa we have ordered have returned to FULL BIG HUGE price, so I am very chuffed.
It is quite calming completing the circles of crochet stitches. I haven't quite been feeling right since the Monday GRR day. I wasn't mad just feel well unsettled. Taking mum out today to Newport Shropshire. Must remember the umbrella!


What a day....

I thought it best to start the day tidying my work space (which had become a bit of a dumping ground during the start of the holidays) in order for me to get the creative juices flowing again.
It took a little longer than I hoped as I spent time sitting on the floor looking through all sorts of papers and magazine cuttings.

I then started embellishing the clasp purse I knitted up a while ago.
.......yet to be sewn up!
I finished making up some broaches just waiting for the backs now.
My designs started to evolve a little.

Thought I would share the bathroom makeover with you,

Some folks may like deep terracotta I have moaned and groaned about the deep shade which graced our bathrooms walls for the three and a half years we have lived here. I just do not like it. I find it too deep...... especially in the bathroom....... I think you get the idea anyway. So for prosperity I grabbed my camera and recorded the final terracotta moments. The bathroom suite is peach and just looked really dark against the terracotta walls with GOLD stencilling........yack yack yack GOLD glitzy ......balurggghhh, Only for the Christmas tree please.
It is now a tranquil and calming 'Blossom White' hurrah. I am very sad and keep popping my head around the door to have a look.
I love the simplicity of White gloss with a few little pretties to make the bathroom a welcoming place. Its a good job Mr H is quite easy going. I know some men would not take too kindly to pretties everywhere I am VERY lucky and count my chickens. I even painted up an old stool which was being skipped as it was formerly in the art department at school.

Anyway after whiling away the hours making I became rather unsettled and felt all well sort of grrrrrr inside and didn't know what to do with myself. So I decided to make some cupcakes.
Using a special ingredient.

I mixed in a spoonful of LOVE.

They taste yum sorry no after pictures.

I hope your Monday wass not so GRRRRR.


REQUIRED: One trip to London

I have always had a penchant for colour palettes and the way items can be catergorised using a visual cataloging of colour. Maybe it stems from my childhood ..... I remember a temporary Christmas position I filled during the Next sale many moons ago (never again). I was asked to pair a huge pile of shoes and wrap rubber bands around them to hold them together. The floor manager looked on in disbelief when she returned to find I had not only located the correct pairings but organised the shelves according to size and colour. It looked like Josephs technicoloured dreamcoat. My friends call me ..................well special.

Anyway I digress......Anthropologie sent me an e-mail...... I looked on whistfully ahhhhhhh. London beckons, if only I had found that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
Ciao x