
Going round and round and round...

I thought of late ah, I have no projects on the go (such porkies) I will have a little go at creating granny sqauares. Hmmph the instructions I downloaded washed over me and looked a little well mishaped. So I dug out a book that I bought many moons ago, (Another habit of mine buying craft books) and moved on to going round and round and round a bit like Kylie eh?

Saved! {Practise piece}

Hey presto I managed to work on a panel for a little cushion which will hopefully look lovely on the sofa/chairs we have ordered in the Laura Ashley SALE. I picked up the LA catalogue yesterday and the same chairs and sofa we have ordered have returned to FULL BIG HUGE price, so I am very chuffed.
It is quite calming completing the circles of crochet stitches. I haven't quite been feeling right since the Monday GRR day. I wasn't mad just feel well unsettled. Taking mum out today to Newport Shropshire. Must remember the umbrella!

1 comment:

Gina said...

Lovely colours for your cushion!