
Pass it on!

What a lovely day!! Bicester shopping village..........LOVED IT.
My friend and I decided to treck along to the Bicester shopping village today, so I started half term off with a bang. Managed to purchase the most yummy winter goodies to finish off the Christmas shopping.

Had to pop in the Cath Kidston shop, felt it was the law! The bag in my hand just wouldn't let me go without her! I was sooo excited quite the billy bargain. Decided it would be the pivotal item to kickstart my new look. I ll see if I can pull it off. Quirky vintage.

Ermm what else.. Well not sure if anyone has watched the Jamie Oliver prog of late but we have been trialling the new recipies from his new book. EVERY single thing we have cooked so far has been DEEEEEEEEEElicious. So just as good old Jamie has instructed I thought I'd pass them on to you guys.
The weekend we had stew,

You will need Stewing beef 750g for 4-6
2 sticks of celery
2 carrots
2 onions
A spoon of plain flour
400g tin of chopped tomatoes
500ml of ale/stout/guiness
3 bay leaves
It was the second time I cooked this, I did think it needed more veg in order to fill up three grown men, so I just added an extra spoon of flour/another tin of tomatoes and veg (celery/carrots).
Chop the veg and simmer for 10mins in a glug of olive oil, add the beef and flour stir through. Add the ale and tomatoes and bay leaves, bring to the boil. Then place in the oven 200 degrees c for 3 hours, or leave simmering on the hob.
Delish with chunky warm bread.
Going to start the making extravaganza tommorrow and wed..... might make some more christmas decorations.
So many ideas so little time.


Michala Gyetvai (Kayla coo) said...

That looks yummy! must give it ago.
I have not been to Bicester for ages, I think I may be tempted after seeing your purchase.x

hens teeth said...

What a great day...have'nt been there but very tempted now. Thanks for the receipe tips. I've applied for Flair...if I get in, will you be able to visit me? Saturday 6th December?


Cool, I was also going to apply for flair.....NOTE to self get a wriggle on!

Maybe we will be table buddies??