
The package...Yoga...Late night blogging

Very excited today to arrive home to a package. OOOO I do love post, despite knowing what was inside I was still very happy

So to the contents:

Lovely books, new reading material and a lovely lovely SKETCHBOOK. These little moleskine sketch book are great to work in as the pens, pencils move really smoothly over the surface. Trouble is I now have a sort of writers block.

What do I record on these lovely pages and where to start. Im as bad as my school pupils who sit and stare at the pristine white pages in the books for fear something may bite them or 'go wrong' ? So the pages are blank at the mo just sitting waiting for inspiration.

Not sure where my energy came from this evening. I think it was my yoga class it's only the third time I have been so don't start thinking I can stand on my head. My teacher is lovely though and I feel more alive and refreshed after going. I would like to point out that this is really my only form of excercise apart from walking as Im quite a lazy sausage. So here I am again in blogland and to me its quite late and almost time for Bedfordshire!

So things to look forward to.... tomorrow is a school training day. EUGHH. But the upshot is we are going to start making the cakestand for 'the wedding' next year. HURRAH. (Obviously not in school time!). It's then half term hurrah again so Im looking forward to a wee bit of crafting.

May visit Bilston Art and Craft Gallery local to me to see 'Celebration' 4Oct-1Nov celebrating 25yrs of Wolverhampton Embroiderers' Guild work.www.wolverhamptonart.org.uk/bilston

Also may try to see the Whale at the Mail box in Birmingham. http://www.bbc.co.uk/birmingham/content/articles/2008/09/24/balena_whale_project_feature.shtml

Enjoy X

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