
Challenge momma... A bit like Anneka but there is no helicopter

Oh how going to bed in a sleepy haze is a thing of the past. These days even when sleep beckons (and she frequently does having a 4mth old) you have to stay right on form till your head hits the pillow. It's then I switch to audio momma mode listening out for the slightest murmur. I have just managed to sneak into bed after triggering the lullaby rabbit back into life!!!! and organising the feeds for the next day. My new routine is to measure the powder in the feed tubs the night before so I can keep track of what I am feeding my daughter. Those old hand at this parenting may scoff and say of course you ninny that's what we all do. But for those new mamas and papas out there still like me feeling their way in the dark (quite literally a few moments ago) then fear not. I am here to dispense my newly acquired knowledge and share my comedy moments with you. I have now left the world of breast feeding behind me.......well for now until my family grows again. I have got to say that the subject of "breast feeding"Miranda Hart style mouthing the words is a strange one again everyone has an opinion on it too! For now I must sleep, but tomorrow I will post about my feeding adventures.

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