Evolution of a theme
Technical hitch VIDEO A NO NO SORRY I know you all wanted to see but look closely and you can see white blur's in my pic :)
Today was supposed to be my second stitchathon day, but I found Laura Ashley calling me as there is 10% off the lovely garments. Well as Im trying to go all vintage thought it rude not to pop in. Much to my moms, erm delight I think...... she has the patience of a saint as she was yes...ing and no...ing to the clothes I was trying on.
Quite pleased so just off to make another 31 thats if my Snow video clip ever loads. Im sure Ill be inundated with viewers for that anyhow????
Pass it on!
Ermm what else.. Well not sure if anyone has watched the Jamie Oliver prog of late but we have been trialling the new recipies from his new book. EVERY single thing we have cooked so far has been DEEEEEEEEEElicious. So just as good old Jamie has instructed I thought I'd pass them on to you guys.
The package...Yoga...Late night blogging
Very excited today to arrive home to a package. OOOO I do love post, despite knowing what was inside I was still very happy
So to the contents:
Not sure where my energy came from this evening. I think it was my yoga class it's only the third time I have been so don't start thinking I can stand on my head. My teacher is lovely though and I feel more alive and refreshed after going. I would like to point out that this is really my only form of excercise apart from walking as Im quite a lazy sausage. So here I am again in blogland and to me its quite late and almost time for Bedfordshire!
So things to look forward to.... tomorrow is a school training day. EUGHH. But the upshot is we are going to start making the cakestand for 'the wedding' next year. HURRAH. (Obviously not in school time!). It's then half term hurrah again so Im looking forward to a wee bit of crafting.
May visit Bilston Art and Craft Gallery local to me to see 'Celebration' 4Oct-1Nov celebrating 25yrs of Wolverhampton Embroiderers' Guild work.www.wolverhamptonart.org.uk/bilston
Also may try to see the Whale at the Mail box in Birmingham. http://www.bbc.co.uk/birmingham/content/articles/2008/09/24/balena_whale_project_feature.shtml
Enjoy X
TAG your IT
1. There is nothing quite like a nice cup of tea and a slice of cake....Especially Victoria Sandwich!
Oh my.......GOURD
Hello to all fellow bloggers.
Apologies for not being around much lately, I will not bore you with the details but just say a few words like..... teaching...family.....Icelandic BANKS !!! GRRRR....living/existing.....school trips.....school in general.
Life eh its hard to find time to make bits and bobs and when I do get a minute something seems to crop up. But hey ho. Thanks Viv for giving me a virtual HELLOO where are you, it shook my tail feather enough to kick start me back into action.
So I haven't really been that creative. In a textiles sense. I have been in the kitchen cooking so I guess that maybe counts. I was getting a little overwhelemed with it all and decided it was time to chill out a little...embrace the Autumn nights light a few candles and cook stews (courtesy of Mr Olivers new book/Its fab).
So here is my little bit of sanctuary.....
The dresser makes another appearance; dressed for Autumn....
Very sophisticated an evening meal by candlelight (my hollowed out Gourds). These little fellas were given to me by my fab friend Beth who had them from her dad all the way from France!....
Buttons from the USA hurrah..... to think I had a button phobia as a child the weirdness of it all.....
Retail therapy....can't see in the box though Christmas presents......
Thanks for catching up with me.