

How do you describe one of those weekends when you have not been 100% what with a virus striking days before. I was off work the last two days last week as I have felt poorly. Frustrating as it is my mind has been whizzing and my body not able to cope/function and do anything that I deem constructive i.e. knit, sew etc. Saturday I was up early to attend an appointment at the opticians. As I was sitting waiting in the car for Mr H to scrape the windows clear I noticed that there seemed to be a Dalmatian/leopard print etched into the ice so I reached for my phone to snap away. The icy blanket that had fallen is quite magical, the patterns shift and alter with the changes in temperature. It made me think of when I was small and would trace the rain drops which ran down the window as I would sit in the back of the car.


So for all of my weekend I have been home.

It has been very cosy at home, drinking lots of tea, and eating pancakes for breakfast this morning. Funnily enough I hadn't realised the batter mix was for making American pancakes. (It must have been another of those occasions where I was whizzing round the supermarket in my ZOMBIE mode). I was rather excited by the prospect of making them in the end. Mr H was not so impressed particularly as I got so carried thinking of how to arrange and take my artful snapshot of the little delicacies, that I forgot the heat was up too HIGH, and I seemed to cook the outside TOOOOOOOOOOO quickly and the inside was well.................... squishy and tasted somewhat undercooked!! Mr H laughed!! He thinks it hilarious that I am also trained to teach food technology/old skool home economics. Not so economical I guess as they ended up in the new recycle bin for food waste. Ohhhhhhh the sweet joys.

Hopefully normality will return soon.

Oh and what do you think of the NEW look P&B? I have been reading 'Blogging for Bliss' and decided it was time for a change? Well several alterations and changes have occurred over the last two days, so if you have recently called by to check what I have been up to; nope there is no need to visit your own opticians!.

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

I like the new banner heading - I liked the old one too, but it took a while to scroll down to your posts.
I also prefer the new text colour, as it is easier to read.
There you are - some positives for you.
The important thing is that I still like the content!!