
Early Christmas?

I feel like I have just eaten Christmas dinner. I have had a red cabbage sitting in my fridge for a while blinking at me every time I open the door. So tonight it was turned into a Danish delight red cabbage and pork with roast veg. Well I just might be able to move to plug in my glue gun now, crumbs chief!



Feel like I am running round in circles flitting from work, to making, cleaning to preparing all things Christmasy, visiting family that are sick and giving others a helping hand (particularly in light of freezing pipes) but then I guess that's life and pretty much what everyone else is doing in their own way. So here is to juggling. Have a fun week. Ps here are those slippers road tested this afternoon.



What can be better slipper progression whilst reconnecting with my youth listening to my NEW Take That Progress album, and before anyone passes judgement without a listen its Fab with a capital F. I wish Take That lots of fun moments and plenty more albums. Ye ha.


Skip Diving

No I have not taken to dangerous sports. I just wanted to share with you my skip find from Friday afternoon. It was love at first sight when I saw the end of what looked like a wooden cupboard all lovingly worn and used after years of sitting in school somewhere. As we pulled it out the skip I was sad to see the inner shelves had been ripped out, but excited enough to see the potential. With a bit of TLC it should come up like a shabby chic dream. Just need to decide where to put it. Bliss more to follow in cupboard sickbay.
Ciao for now.



It's been a busy old day. We (that is Elsie and I ) were on our felt making course. Words cannot explain how feltastic it was. We arrived early at Gillian Gladrag's shop in Dorking Surrey after lots of tea, cake biscuits a cheeky lunch stop, lots of soap and a fair bit of elbow grease later we had prepared the basis of what will be my snuggly felt slippers. All ready for cosying up and hibernating in the winter months. Hubba Hubba fluff said. Dorking is a really lovely little town, after a little stop off tomorrow in the town shopping for a few cheeky extra Christmas gifts we will be journeying back northwards to pop my slippers in the washer. Ooh for the love of craft. Stay tuned for the results.


And relax ......

I am shattered it hasn't been a hard day really but I feel like I want to go into hibernation. I am hoping a cup of rosie lea and a carrot muffin will perk me up. At least I have Kirstie to look forward to that's if I don't nod off first. Guess what book is on my Christmas list.